Calendar 21 February 2023 – It is important to remember a few important dates during March. They include Good Samaritan’s Day, National Dentist’s Day, and International Women’s Day. March is also the month when daylight saving time starts. As a result, you might want to modify your schedule.
Day of the Good Samaritan
The 13th of March is recognized as “National Good Samaritan’s day” every year. It is a day to recognize the acts of kindness, sacrifice, and the importance of helping others.
The phrase “good Samaritan” is a person who goes over to help others. The person could provide an individual in need food, clothing or any other assistance. Someone who is a good Samaritan has the heart of a true person of God and the desire to assist others.
The Bible contains the Good Samaritan’s Tale. The Bible speaks of a good Samaritan who helped a person who was wounded by bandits.
The Gospel of Luke tells the tale of the Good Samaritan, which illustrates the numerous benefits of performing good deeds. The story tells of a robber who assaulted the body of a Jewish traveler. The good Samaritan came to the aid of the man and offered to pay the medical bills and assist in the treatment of his wounds.
Valentine’s Day
People with Irish heritage are celebrated during St. Patrick’s Day in the United States and Canada. Since it is not a government holiday, most companies remain open as normal on this day. Many people take part in parades, dress up green for the feast, and drink Irish beer.
Saint Patrick was a significant person who, brought Christianity into Ireland. He was born in Britain at the close of the fourth century. At the time, Ireland was primarily a pagan country. When he was a teenager, he was taken hostage and brought to Ireland. After being held captive several years, he was finally released and converted.
He is regarded as the patron saint of engineers as well as the patron saint of Ireland and Nigeria. The Holy Trinity is symbolized by the Shamrock.
The Day of the Dentist
Every year, the 6th of March is National Dentist’s Day. Each year there is a day of celebration that is held to recognize dentists’ achievements.
Dental professionals should take advantage this day to showcase their skills, organize screening events, create awareness and show off their expertise. Take care of your teeth each day of the year. By cleaning and examining your smile, you’ll be able to avoid unpleasant issues in the future.
To express your appreciation to your dentist’s hard work One of the most effective ways to honor National Dentist’s Day (and to make it memorable) is to mail them a message or present.
Your dentist deserves to be praised. You can also brush your teeth two times a day for two minute each time.
International Day of Women
International Women’s Day is March 8. Women are celebrated and raised awareness of their rights. It encourages women to advocate for equality. It’s observed on March 8th to honor the contribution of women.
American businesses and schools observe International Women’s Day. March is also designated National Women’s History Month.
In many nations women have suffered for a long time from discrimination, however the fight for equality of gender has been going on for a longer time. According to the World Economic Forum gender equality could be achieved by 2133. Women are becoming more involved in politics as well as business.
Women have been more actively involved in American and international national discussions about women’s rights due to discussions regarding sexual harassment. But, Russia also has issues with women rights.
EST (Early Set-Off Time)
It is crucial to understand that daylight saving time varies depending on where you live. DST is the time at which daylight savings time is introduced in the United States. It begins on the 2nd day of March. The first Sunday of November, it is then back to normal time.
The 47 states covered by DST observer are scattered across the nation. The only one exception is Arizona, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Puerto Rico. Three of the largest regions in Australia are not participating.
According to some academics some academics, just a bit of more daylight during the evenings decreases traffic accidents and helps full-time employees take exercise regularly. These benefits are especially true for areas in remote locations that are not near the Equator.
It is no secret that the majority of Americans are not in agreement with this idea. Many people believe that farmers are the biggest supporters of the movement.