Dry February Calendar

Dry February CalendarIt is essential to be aware of key dates in March. They include Good Samaritan’s Day (March 15), National Dentist’s Day (March 16) and International Women’s Day (March 17). March is also when daylight saving time starts. It is possible to change your schedule due to this change.

Day of the Good Samaritan

Every year, the 13th of March is designated “National Good Samaritan’s day”. It is a day to show kindness and sacrifice and to assist other people.

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Anyone who is willing to give their time and energy to assist people is called an “good neighbor.” A good Samaritan may offer food, clothing, or assistance to someone who is in need. A good Samaritan has the desire to give back and has an unwavering heart.

The Bible includes The Good Samaritan’s Tale. The Bible speaks of a good Samaritan that helped a traveler who was injured by bandits.

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The Gospel of Luke’s Good Samaritan Story is a good illustration of what it is to be a good person. It recounts the story of a robber who assaulted an innocent Jewish traveler. The good Samaritan helped the wounded man’s aid , offering the man money to cover his medical expenses and helping with wound care.

Valentine’s Day

The Irish are celebrating St. Patrick’s Day across the United States, Canada, Australia, and in other countries. It is not as a holiday for the public, so businesses remain open in the normal way. A lot of people go to parades, wear green to the feast and drink Irish beer.

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Saint Patrick is a historical figure who was the first person to introduce Christianity into Ireland. He was born in Britain towards the end of the fourth century. Ireland was mostly a pagan nation at the time. He was kidnapped when he was a teenager and taken to Ireland. After being imprisoned for many years until his release, he finally was released and was converted.

He is known as the patron saint of Ireland and Nigeria and is also known as the victim of engineers. Shamrocks symbolize the Holy Trinity.

The Day of the Dentist

The date of National Dentist’s Day, March 6th, is celebrated each year. This day dedicated to dentists and their accomplishments each year.

Dental practitioners must take advantage of this day to display their abilities, provide an opportunity to get a free dental exam, and educate people about the importance of oral health. Take care of your teeth throughout the year. By cleaning and inspecting your smile, you will be able to avoid unpleasant issues in the future.

To show your appreciation to your dentist’s work, one of the best ways to honor National Dentist’s Day (and to make it memorable) is to send them a card or a present.

It is not enough to thank your dentist , but show your appreciation by maintaining your smile healthy by brushing your teeth twice daily for two minutes.

International Day of Women

International Women’s Day on March 8th is when women are encouraged to raise awareness and celebrate their rights. It inspires women to stand up for equality. It is observed each March 8 to honor the contributions of women.

American companies and schools observe International Women’s Day. March is also designated National Women’s History Month.

In many nations women have suffered for a long time from discrimination, yet the struggle for equality between men and women has a much longer history. According to the World Economic Forum, gender equality is likely to be achieved across the globe by the year 2133. Today’s women are in politics or business and push for equal pay.

Since the national conversation about women’s rights has been ignited through discussions on sexual harassment and equal pay, women have been more involved both in the United States and abroad. But, Russia is not without its own problems.

EST (Early Set-Off Time)

It is important to be aware that the time for daylight saving differs based the location you reside in. DST is the time that daylight savings time starts in the Americas. It begins on the 2nd Sunday of March. It is then back to normal time on Sundays 1 and 2.

There are 47 states in the United States that observe DST. Arizona, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico are the only exclusions. Three of Australia’s most populous regions also do not participate.

Some researchers believe that the extra sunlight in the evening reduces traffic accidents and helps full-time workers get more exercise. These benefits are particularly relevant in areas that are far from the equator.

It is obvious that Americans don’t agree with the idea. Many believe that farmers are the primary supporters of this movement.

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