2025 And 2026 School Calendar Regina Public

As we look ahead to the years 2025 and 2026, parents, students, and educators in the Regina Public School system are eager to learn about the upcoming school calendars. With the ever-changing landscape of education and the impact of external factors such as holidays, professional development days, and community events, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of the academic schedule for the upcoming years. In this blog post, we’ll explore the anticipated school calendar for 2025 and 2026 in the Regina Public School system, providing valuable insights for those involved in the education community.

School Calendar

As we look ahead to the 2025 and 2026 school years, it’s important for parents and students to stay informed about the school calendar for Regina Public. The school calendar plays a crucial role in planning vacations, scheduling appointments, and organizing extracurricular activities. By knowing the key dates such as the start and end of the school year, holidays, professional development days, and exam periods, families can better manage their time and make the most of their educational experience. Stay tuned for updates and mark your calendars to ensure a successful and well-prepared academic journey for the upcoming years.

School calendar


School Calendars For Years 2020, 2021, 2022, And 2023

As we plan ahead for the upcoming school years, it’s important to take note of the school calendars for 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023. These calendars will play a crucial role in scheduling vacations, extracurricular activities, and other important events. By having a clear understanding of the school calendar, parents and students can better prepare for the academic year ahead. Whether it’s marking down important dates such as holidays, exam periods, or school events, having access to the school calendar for the next few years can provide a sense of structure and organization. Stay tuned for the release of the 2025 and 2026 school calendar for Regina Public, as we continue to plan and prepare for the future.

School calendars for years 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023


2022/2023 School Calendar With School Holidays

The 2022/2023 school calendar for Regina Public Schools is here, and it’s time to start planning for the upcoming academic year. The calendar includes important dates such as the first day of school, holidays, and professional development days for teachers. Families can use this calendar to schedule vacations and other activities around school holidays, ensuring that students don’t miss any important instructional time. It’s important to note that the calendar may also include early dismissal days, parent-teacher conferences, and other events that impact the school schedule. Stay organized and informed by keeping the 2022/2023 school calendar handy for reference throughout the year.

2022/2023 school calendar with school holidays


Here Is Our 2023-2024 School Year Calendar!

Are you ready to plan ahead for the upcoming school year? We are excited to share our 2023-2024 school year calendar with you! Our team has carefully curated a schedule that includes all the important dates, such as the first and last day of school, holidays, professional development days, and more. This calendar will help you stay organized and informed about the key events and activities happening throughout the school year. Whether you’re a student, parent, or staff member, having this calendar handy will make it easier to stay on top of important dates and plan ahead for a successful academic year. Stay tuned for more updates and details about the upcoming school year!

Here is our 2023-2024 school year calendar!



In the 2025 and 2026 school calendar for Regina Public, students will have the opportunity to explore a variety of subjects and activities. The school is committed to providing a well-rounded education that encourages students to discover their passions and interests. Whether it’s through extracurricular clubs, field trips, or specialized courses, students will have the chance to explore new ideas and experiences. This emphasis on exploration will help students develop critical thinking skills, creativity, and a broader understanding of the world around them. The school calendar will be designed to foster a culture of curiosity and discovery, ensuring that students are prepared for success in the future.



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